For many years, the Kiwanis club has awarded deserving college-bound high school students scholarships using financial need, academic achievement and community service as criteria. Since the program’s inception, the club has contributed more than $110,000 to the cost of college for its beneficiaries with the annual golf tournament proceeds serving as the primary source of funding.
For many years, the Kiwanis club has awarded deserving college-bound high school students scholarships using financial need, academic achievement and community service as criteria. Since the program’s inception, the club has contributed more than $110,000 to the cost of college for its beneficiaries with the annual golf tournament proceeds serving as the primary source of funding.
Upcoming events
WTC Mondo's Give Back Night
WTC Mondo's Give Back Night
Monthly Club Meeting
Club/Board Meeting
Monthly Club Meeting
NEBD Mid-Winter
NEBD Mid-Winter
NEBD Mid-Winter
Club/Board Meeting
Monthly Club Meeting
Club/Board Meeting
Monthly Club Meeting
Club/Board Meeting
Monthly Club Meeting
International Convention
International Convention
International Convention
International Convention
Club/Board Meeting
Monthly Club Meeting
Club/Board Meeting
Monthly Club Meeting
District Convention
District Convention
District Convention
District Convention
Club/Board Meeting
Monthly Club Meeting
Club/Board Meeting